The UK’s Leading Peyronie’s Treatment Clinic
Tel: 020 7205 4069
Peyronie's disease treatment faqs.

Our treatment for Peyronie’s Disease is a medically approved, non-invasive clinical procedure that has been employed for over-25 years to treat a number of conditions including the breaking of kidney stones, without the need for surgery.

The therapy breaks down plaque in the penis. This eliminates both the curvature and also triggers the growth of new and revitalised blood vessels, enabling fuller and harder erections.


The majority of London clinics specialise in surgical procedures, which cost up to £14,000. Many do not specialise in our area of expertise. In the majority of circumstances, they will recommend invasive surgery which we believe can now be avoided by most men.

Whilst we are not opposed to invasive surgery, we see this as the last resort and have only on very rare occasions had to refer patients.

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that results from fibrous scar tissue developing on the penis. It causes a curved bend in the penis that can be significant. This bend can often cause painful erections especially during sexual intercourse.

Peyronie’s disease mostly affects men aged over 40, although it can happen at any age. It can also be started following vigorous sexual intercourse (read How do you get Peyronie’s Disease?).

When you get Peyronie’s disease, plaques (segments of flat scar tissue), form beneath the skin of the penis and it is these that cause it to bend or become indented during erections. The plaque (scar tissues) can develop anywhere along the penis and can often be felt through the skin and be painful when touched.

In severe cases, the curve in the penis can make having sexual intercourse painful, difficult, or even impossible.

Peyronie’s disease may also lead to erectile dysfunction with difficulty in getting and/or maintaining an erection.

It is extremely rare for Peyronie’s disease to go away on its own. For the vast majority of men, the condition will remain as is or worsen in stages over a period of time.

Early treatment soon after developing the condition can keep it from getting worse and alleviate it. Even if you’ve had the condition for some time treatment can help improve symptoms in the majority of cases.

Contact us for further details and confidential consultations.

The sooner that someone with, or who suspects they have Peyronie’s disease, sees a doctor the better the chances for a good outcome.

Here are some potential signs of Peyronie’s disease that you should seek advice about:

  • The penis curves when erect
  • There is a shortening of the penis
  • Narrowing or “hour glass” on the shaft of the penis
  • Lumps in the penis
  • Painful erections or pain during sex
  • Unexpected soft erections

A physical exam by a doctor or other consultant is often sufficient to identify the presence of scar tissue in the penis, allowing the diagnose of Peyronie’s disease. On occasion, other conditions cause similar symptoms and these need to be ruled out.

During a physical exam a doctor will feel your penis when it’s not erect. This is so that the location and amount of scar tissue can be found. The doctor might also measure the length of your penis. This initial measurement helps determine whether the penis has shortened if the condition continues to worsen.

Other tests. Your doctor might undertake an ultrasound or other tests to examine your penis when it’s erect.

An ultrasound is the most commonly used test for penis abnormalities as the sound waves are able to produce images of soft tissues and show the presence of scar tissue, blood flow to the penis and other abnormalities.

Peyronie’s disease can be caused by minor injury to the penis. This injury is often caused by vigorous sexual intercourse, for example, bending the penis during penetration or from undue pressure from your partner’s pubic bone.

It can also be caused by sports injuries, such as a ball hitting the penis or otherwise what appear initially as minor accidents such as being kicked by a child. The injury can then cause scar tissue to develop in the cells of the penis. This scar tissue then forms what is known as the plaque of Peyronie’s disease – a hard lump on the erection tissue.

There are other reasons for Peyronie’s disease plaques formation. Health related issues, such as high blood sugar, tobacco use, or historic pelvic trauma may help cause Peyronie’s disease.

Additionally, men with connective tissue disorders, such as Dupuytren’s contracture may suffer from it. While there can also be a genetic link where men who have a family member who suffers with Peyronie’s disease have an increased likelihood of getting it.

Peyronie’s disease (PD) is named after French surgeon François Gigot de la Peyronie, who described the condition in 1743. He described a patient who had “rosary beads of scar tissue to cause an upward curvature of the penis during erection.”

 PD is indicated by a curvature in the penile shaft that is often preceded by painful erections and accompanied by an area of fibrosis.

The condition was first described in 1561 in correspondence between Andreas Vesalius a Flemish anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem  (On the Fabric of the Human Body) and Gabriele Falloppio an Italian Catholic priest and anatomist often known by his Latin name Fallopius. Fallopian Tube is named after him.